


Upanayanam . “Bringing nearby”. That is  Bringing near to Guru .

The boy is going to born as “ayonijam” . Mother is Veda Matha Gayathri ,and father is  “acharyan” to become eligible for learning vedas “.  Own father will be the  Acharya . Even grandfather , fathers brother or vadyar can do the upanayanam for the child as Acharya. It is his birth right and so no one can have the right to delay it or stop it . After the upanayanam , brahmin is given the great responsibility of learning Vedas, keeping it as a “nidhi” and practicing it for Lokakeshemam and Moksha.

Why upanayanam between 8 and 16

For Vedaadhyayanam from Guru upanayanam is needed. Upanayanam is only required for those who needs vedaadhyayanam. . As per ayurveda , that  which observed while listening will easily and quickly retained in the mind between 8th and 16th year .The power to evaluate and understand things will be less during this year but absorption as such will be fast and quick during this time . So from 8th year to 16th year, one can simply grab and keep everything in mind as such very fast . After 16 years , slowly the power to evaluate and understand the principles will be more whereas the power of absorption will be less. . That is why upanayanm must be done atleast before 16 years so that the child can learn things by heart very fast and after that sasthras dont recommend the upanayanam to be done .

‘Ashtakshara Gayathri’ will be the upadesam for brahmins during the upanayanam .That is in each padam there are 8 letters . There are 3 padams with total 24 letters in Gaythri manthra which he chant.

Upanayanam functions

  Udakasandhi ,

 .. “Uthakasanthi” will be done  for ‘arishta nivarthyanam’ or removal of negatives. Bodayana Rishi  said it in Bhodayana sooktham  . Udakam means water .  Udaka Santhi consist of removal of negative things from body and mind.The water will be charged with manthras from vedas which will remove the negativity of body and mind. Uthaka santhi is a group of manthras from vedas for the above

. The boy will be made to bath by Uthaka santhi water and also the boy will drink it. He will become pure after that . Now he is ready   for taking another birth in upanayanam

  Angurarpanam &Prathisarabandham

 With veda manthras , Grains (Dhanya) mixed with milk will be kept in the stand made of sand and filled with sand to grow . it is for the ‘pushti’ or to attain the complete benefit of the function done . On the 5 , 7 or 9th day , it will be grown fully and it that will be dischared in the river .

Kumbhasthapanam will be done , Sookthas will be chanted . Water  will be sprinkled in the  Yellow thread ( thread dipped  in manjal ) and also in the hand of the boy . Thread will be pasted with Vibhoothi by chating “Thrayambaka manthra “ and  will be tide  in child’s  hand by chanting the related veda manthras . This is done for the protection of the child till the end of the functions .

 Nandi Sradham

 Unlike other samskaras , for Upanayanam nandi should be done as Parvanam that is by doing homam and ‘Brahmana Samaradhanai’ that is feeding the brahmins  .

This all will be normally done on the previous day of upanayanam


 Once all the above functions are over , Yajnopaveedha dharanam will be done by the father to the child . Now the child has got the new birth or dwijathwam . That is through veda manthras . “ Devena savithra prasoodhatha”- you have been created  by devatha savitha, says sasthra . Once the new birth is got, “Kumarabhojanam” will be done , that is the child will be given sweet to eat as he got the new birth .

He will be asked “konamasi” . Who are you and  he will say the name “———— sarman”

Hair removal will be done as sasthra says all the papams or sins  will get attach to the hair and hence it has to be removed during the new birth .

After bath  in river preferably and he will be accompanied with “Mangla Vadhyam” .As he is now totally into the new birth , he will be given the reception by all .

.Also the boy’s father will  have to do  homam previously for Brahmopadesam .

‘samithue’ will be given to him (samindhuthey) . “Samindhathey” . The importnace of “samithue”is that it  can produce agni that is fire

First prayer to Fire by the boy will be done here .Agni and Brahmin  came for same place . ‘Agni aradhani’ is very important for brahmin.Brahmin will do the ‘agni aradhani’ till death

Agni Bhagvan as the Protector of the boy

Praying to agni that all prosperity  should come to the boy  . Praying to  agni to protect him like how parents take care him .Agni or fire will  take  the responsibility to get his things done . How father takes care of  son , like that agni will  do everything for him.  Agni is the protector for the boy . So all prayer will be done to agni . Like how the son asking his  father for all his needs, in the same way  agni will  take care all needs of the boy . “Agni”  will become custodian  of the boy

There will be a ‘Ammikkal’ . He will get into , ‘ammikal’ ,

Manthras with following meaning will be chanted

you have to be permanent and strong like this .This will be chanted by standing in Amikkal.

Manthras with following  meanings will be chanted.

Now u have to stick to the principles. “Sthirabhava” . Nithykaramanushtanam and vedaadhyaynam is must.you  have to face everything (heat or cold) , you have to do anushtanam.like the stone, you have to be strong. For Vedaadhyanam, u have to be strong like the stone.

New dress will be given to child to wear.Devathais only created the Veshti.  Revathai devathai and krithika devathai are those in the Veshti , and now giving the Veshti (kuutai)  for you  by devathai .Once the dress is given , all devathai will give anugraham for him. Devathai will identify the new son.

Mounchi Wearing

Mounchi will protect him from rakshasa , The mounchi will be put around the waste and meghalaye(that is maunchi) will get him escape him from all outside trouble. It is  the one that protect him from everything.

Wearing of dear skin-  Chanting the manthra “Mithrasya chakshuhu  dharunum bhaleeyaha –   ” dear skin must be wearied like poonal. It is to make him pure . Once the sun rise fall on dear skin, it will be a great protection for the boy

Dandam to keep in hand. “Palaso dando brahmanasyaha”. In Plasam,there is both side leaf and one in middle like vilwam. Susharavaha. It is hearing all manthra from veda. Like that for me also make those power for me. Ears only hearing vedas or thourgh ears vedas reach the mind . . Ear is pure as veda entering through ear . “Brahmavai varanaha–” . Make me best among those who hear well. You have thejas and make me thajaswi , get me out from papam. Brahmam is as nidhi in u, make also me also like you in the same way . . All devathais “aservadaham” or blessings  should come to me  and  should not be get any disturbance from devathai. Manthras with above meaning will be chanted

 Touching hand , he will say manthra- “dethabhya pareethaya”, he will be kept in ‘durbai’  .’durbai’ will be put in ground. , jalam prokshanam “angnye thwa paridadamai,

Follwo Manthras are Chanted

“saraswathety thw paridadami, mrutheway thwa pari dadadmi, andakayathwa paridadami” Meaning   Should get escape from all accidents . Escpae from death due to food poison. The boy will be given to all devathas like mruthue , andhakan, saraswathi . agni  to   protect him from the disease , death , accident . Prayer for all devatha Anugraham for boy  so that he can do vedadadhyayanam

Now the upadesam will be given . Now the boy will be called nearby for upadesam.

First agni homam before upadesam. The boy will do homam directly. Both father and son will do homam. Manthras with meaning “By the  anushtanam i do ,make me   better for veda adhyayana , world , and make me a better citizen. I am now ready for getting upadesam.” Also jayathi homam  will be also done for Karma Samruthi .

Brahmopadesa muhoortham

Guru Dhyanam will be done  Pathaprakshalanam will be done

Padaparakshalanam will be done with the manthra with following meaning.

If the brahmana padam is cleaned with water , all anxiety , diseases go away . Even one will get escape from death . There will be no poverty . He will get prosperity , wealth , and over all life improvement

“Samasthasampath samvapthihethavaha

samusdhitha apathkula dooma hethavaha

Aparasamsara samudrasethaavaha

punandumama brahmana padavang”

Now Brahopadesa will be done.

Manthras with meaning .The great wealth, veda has  has to dome to you ”- it should not go away, i have to come to you , dont give to anyone and give it to only only those who protect me  like you.

First agni aradhanai that is  samidadanam will be done

Upanayana Ritual Order

Previous Day

Vighneswara Pooja, Anujna, Sankalpam, Udakashanthi , Angurarpanam &Prathisarabandham , Nandi Sradham (Parvana Vidhi),Aseervadam

On Upanayanam Day 

Vigneshwara Pooja, Anujna, Sankalpam , Yajnopaveeda Daranam ,Kumara Bhojanam, Vapanam , Snanam , Alankaram  , Upanayana Homam (Starting), Asmarohanam , Vasthra Dharanam, Meghala Dharanam , Ajina Dharanam , Upanayanam, Manthra Chanting to give the Boy to Deavathas for Protection , Boy Taking Oath to protect vedas .Question & Answer Session by Guru and Sishya , Upanayana Homam, Brahmopadesama , Manthra Chanting by the Boy , Samithadhanam

 4th day it is dadineeru

Prayer for Sradha Devi and Medha Devi  for becoming sucesfull Education

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